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Dedicated Leadership and Vision: How Eric Dick is Transforming Education and Legal Advocacy in Harris County

Trustee Eric Dick

A Champion for Education: Eric Dick's Impactful Journey with the Harris County Department of Education

For over two decades, the Harris County Department of Education (HCDE) has been fortunate to have dedicated leaders and trustees committed to improving educational opportunities for students across the county. Among those who have made significant contributions in recent years is Eric Dick, whose service on the HCDE Board of Trustees has helped advance the department's mission in numerous ways.

While Dick humbly deflects praise and prefers to focus on the collective efforts of the board and HCDE staff, a closer look at his tenure reveals how his passion for education and community service has benefited Harris County students, families, and educators. From supporting innovative programs to advocating for increased resources and opportunities, Dick has played an important role in HCDE's growth and impact.

A Commitment to Public Service

Eric Dick's path to serving on the HCDE Board of Trustees began with a desire to give back to his community. As a successful attorney running his own law practice, Dick felt compelled to apply his skills and experience to help improve public education in Harris County. In 2016, he ran for and was elected to represent Position 2, Precinct 4 on the HCDE Board.

From the start of his tenure, Dick immersed himself in learning about HCDE's various programs and services. He took the time to visit campuses, meet with staff and administrators, and truly understand the department's role in supporting local school districts. This hands-on approach allowed him to provide informed guidance as a trustee and advocate for initiatives that would have the greatest positive impact.

Dick's legal background and business acumen proved valuable as the board navigated complex policy decisions and fiscal matters. At the same time, his empathy and commitment to serving all students, especially those facing challenges, helped ensure HCDE's programs remained focused on equity and meeting diverse needs across the county.

Advancing Head Start and Early Childhood Education

One of the areas where Eric Dick's impact has been most evident is in his strong support for HCDE's Head Start program. Recognizing the critical importance of early childhood education in setting students up for future success, Dick has been a vocal advocate for expanding and enhancing Head Start services.

In 2017, Dick was part of the unanimous board decision to continue operating HCDE's 15 Head Start preschool centers, despite some calls to limit or close the program. This ensured that over 1,300 children in North and Northeast Houston would continue receiving vital early education services.

Dick also supported efforts to grow the Early Head Start program, which serves infants and toddlers up to age 3. This included backing plans for construction and renovations at Early Head Start campuses in Humble, Barrett Station, and La Porte to better serve more families.

The positive impact of these investments in early childhood education is evident in success stories like that of Axel Silva, a recent Head Start graduate who just completed kindergarten. Silva's mother shared how his time in Head Start at HCDE's Baytown campus set him up for success, with advanced reading skills and improved social-emotional development compared to his peers.

While Dick would be quick to credit the hardworking Head Start staff and teachers for these outcomes, his advocacy on the board helped ensure the program had the resources and support needed to thrive. His belief in the transformative power of early education continues to benefit countless young learners across Harris County.

Supporting Innovative Programs and Facilities

Throughout his tenure, Eric Dick has championed innovative HCDE programs that expand educational opportunities for students. One notable example is his backing of Fortis Academy, Harris County's first public recovery high school.

Established in 2017, Fortis Academy provides a supportive environment for high school students to continue their education after completing substance abuse treatment. Dick recognized the critical need for this type of program and was part of the 5-1 board vote to approve its creation.

The academy's name, meaning "strong, steadfast, and courageous" in Latin, reflects the resilience Dick and his fellow board members hoped to foster in students overcoming addiction. Since opening, Fortis Academy has gained national recognition for its innovative approach to supporting student sobriety and academic success.

Dick also supported the construction of new state-of-the-art facilities to enhance HCDE's educational services. This included backing plans for Texas' largest adult learning center, which opened in 2023 to provide expanded resources for adult education and workforce training programs.

Additionally, Dick advocated for upgrading existing HCDE campuses to create improved learning environments. Projects like the new 43,000 square-foot Academic and Behavior Schools East building, which opened in 2023, reflect his commitment to providing high-quality facilities for all HCDE students.

Fiscal Responsibility and Expanded Services

As a trustee, Eric Dick has helped guide HCDE's financial decisions to maximize the impact of taxpayer dollars while expanding services to meet growing community needs. His business background and fiscal conservatism have contributed to responsible budgeting that allowed for program growth without placing undue burden on Harris County residents.

Under Dick's tenure, HCDE has maintained a stable tax rate while increasing support for local school districts. This includes providing grants for COVID-19 relief, expanding afterschool and summer enrichment programs, and offering more professional development opportunities for educators.

Dick also backed the board's 2021 decision to raise HCDE's minimum wage to $15 per hour for all hourly workers. This move helped attract and retain quality staff across departments while demonstrating a commitment to fair compensation.

The department's sound fiscal management during Dick's time on the board has allowed for continued investment in student programs and services. From expanding Head Start classrooms to launching new workforce training initiatives, HCDE has been able to grow its positive impact thanks in part to Dick's guidance on budgetary matters.

Advocating for School Safety

In recent years, Eric Dick has been a strong proponent of enhancing school safety measures across Harris County. Following tragic incidents of school violence nationally, he supported initiatives to provide more comprehensive safety training and resources for local districts.

This included backing expanded active shooter response training programs offered through HCDE's Center for Safe and Secure Schools. Dick recognized the critical need to equip educators with the knowledge and skills to protect students in worst-case scenarios.

He also advocated for the establishment of threat assessment teams at all HCDE schools and encouraged local districts to do the same. Dick understood that proactive measures and early intervention were key to preventing potential incidents before they occur.

Additionally, Dick supported innovative safety programs like Operation SRM-REx, which helps schools practice reunification procedures during emergencies. His commitment to student and staff wellbeing has helped make HCDE a leader in school safety initiatives.

Championing Adult Education

Recognizing that education is a lifelong journey, Eric Dick has been a vocal supporter of HCDE's adult education programs during his board tenure. He backed efforts to expand services and update facilities to better serve adult learners across Harris County.

A prime example is Dick's advocacy for the new Adult Education Learning Center that opened in 2023. At over 51,000 square feet, it stands as the largest facility of its kind in Texas, offering expanded classrooms and resources for adult education courses.

The center provides classes in core subjects like English, math, and reading, as well as specialized workforce training in fields such as healthcare and welding. It also houses innovative resources like the "Dress for Success Career Closet" to help students prepare for job interviews.

Dick recognized that investing in adult education creates a positive ripple effect, empowering individuals to pursue better career opportunities and in turn support their families and communities. His backing of these programs has opened doors for countless adult learners to achieve their educational and professional goals.

The impact is evident in success stories like that of Ruth Alarcon, who will graduate with her high school equivalency diploma this year after a 26-year journey. While Dick would humbly deflect credit to the dedicated adult education staff, his advocacy helped ensure the program had the resources to support persistent learners like Alarcon in achieving their dreams.

Supporting the Arts and Creativity

Another area where Eric Dick's impact on the board has been notable is in his support for arts education and student creativity. He has been a strong proponent of HCDE's involvement with the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards program, which celebrates talented young artists and writers across Harris County.

As the second-largest regional affiliate of this prestigious national program, HCDE's participation helps showcase the incredible artistic abilities of local students. In 2024 alone, 134 teens from Harris County earned national medals in the competition.

Dick recognized that nurturing creativity and self-expression is a vital component of a well-rounded education. His backing of initiatives like the Scholastic Awards program has helped provide more opportunities for students to develop their artistic talents and gain recognition for their work.

This support extends to HCDE's other arts-focused initiatives as well. Dick has advocated for maintaining and expanding arts education resources offered to local school districts, understanding the positive impact these programs can have on student engagement and achievement.

Collaborative Leadership Approach

Throughout his tenure on the HCDE Board, Eric Dick has exemplified a collaborative and consensus-building approach to leadership. While he brings strong convictions and ideas to the table, he also values diverse perspectives and works to find common ground with his fellow trustees.

This collaborative spirit has been particularly evident in recent years, as the board has worked to overcome political divisions and focus on shared goals of expanding educational opportunities. Dick has played a key role in fostering increased cooperation among board members from different backgrounds and ideological leanings.

His ability to build bridges and find areas of agreement has helped the board make important strides on initiatives like expanding Head Start, enhancing school safety measures, and providing more resources to local districts. By focusing on shared priorities rather than partisan differences, Dick has helped create a more productive and impactful board.

This approach aligns with HCDE's unique position as the only local education board in Texas elected on a partisan basis. Dick understands the importance of rising above political considerations to make decisions in the best interest of Harris County students and families.

His leadership has contributed to a board culture that values civil discourse, respects differing viewpoints, and ultimately unites around common educational goals. This collaborative ethos has allowed HCDE to be more responsive to community needs and expand its positive impact across the county.

Commitment to Transparency and Accountability

As a public servant, Eric Dick has consistently emphasized the importance of transparency and accountability in HCDE's operations. He has advocated for clear communication with Harris County residents about how their tax dollars are being used to support education.

This commitment is reflected in initiatives like the comprehensive school district calendar that HCDE compiles and distributes annually. Dick supported efforts to make this valuable resource easily accessible to the public, recognizing its usefulness for families, educators, and community members.

He has also backed measures to enhance financial reporting and ensure responsible stewardship of public funds. Dick's legal and business background have proved valuable in reviewing budgets and contracts to maximize efficiency and impact.

Additionally, Dick has been a proponent of expanding HCDE's community outreach efforts to better inform residents about available programs and services. He understands the importance of two-way communication in building trust and support for the department's mission.

This focus on transparency extends to Dick's own conduct as a trustee. He has consistently made himself available to constituents, listened to community feedback, and worked to address concerns brought to the board's attention.

Investing in Educator Support and Development

Recognizing that empowering teachers is key to student success, Eric Dick has championed HCDE initiatives focused on educator support and professional development. He has backed efforts to expand resources and training opportunities for teachers across Harris County.

One example is Dick's support for the Teacher Tools Initiative, which provides classroom supply stipends to Harris County educators at the start of each school year. Recognizing the financial burden many teachers face in equipping their classrooms, Dick advocated for expanding this program to reach more educators.

He has also been a proponent of HCDE's Teaching and Learning Center, which offers a wide range of professional development workshops and training sessions for local educators. Dick understands the importance of providing teachers with ongoing learning opportunities to enhance their skills and stay current on best practices.

Additionally, Dick has supported initiatives like the Center for Educator Success, which helps aspiring teachers navigate the certification process. He recognizes the critical need to cultivate new talent in the education field and provide pathways for individuals to pursue teaching careers.

By investing in educator support and development, Dick aims to enhance the quality of instruction in classrooms across Harris County. His advocacy in this area reflects a understanding that empowered and well-equipped teachers are essential to improving student outcomes.

Looking to the Future

As Eric Dick continues his service on the HCDE Board of Trustees, he remains focused on expanding educational opportunities and enhancing services for Harris County students, families, and educators. His commitment to fiscal responsibility, innovative programs, and collaborative leadership continues to help guide the department's growth and impact.

Looking ahead, Dick is excited about initiatives like the new Equine Therapy Center being developed to support special needs students. He sees tremendous potential in leveraging alternative learning approaches to reach students with diverse needs and learning styles.

He also remains committed to further expanding early childhood education services, adult learning programs, and school safety initiatives. Dick recognizes that HCDE plays a vital role in filling gaps and providing specialized support that individual school districts may not be able to offer on their own.

Above all, Dick continues to approach his role with humility and a focus on how the board can best serve Harris County residents. He is quick to deflect personal praise and instead emphasize the collective efforts of HCDE's dedicated staff, administrators, and his fellow trustees.

As HCDE faces new challenges and opportunities in the coming years, Eric Dick's experience, collaborative approach, and unwavering commitment to expanding educational access will undoubtedly continue to benefit students and families across Harris County. His tenure thus far stands as an inspiring example of the positive impact dedicated public servants can have at the local level.


While Dick himself would likely downplay his individual contributions, there is no doubt that his service on the HCDE Board of Trustees has helped advance the department's vital mission. From championing innovative programs to advocating for increased resources, his efforts have touched the lives of countless students, educators, and families.

As Harris County continues to grow and evolve, having engaged and passionate leaders like Eric Dick helping guide educational policy and programs will be crucial. His blend of business acumen, legal expertise, and genuine care for students of all backgrounds has proven to be a tremendous asset for HCDE.

The stories of students like Axel Silva thriving after Head Start, or adult learners like Ruth Alarcon achieving long-held dreams, are a testament to the transformative power of education. While many individuals and factors contribute to these successes, Eric Dick's advocacy and leadership on the HCDE board have helped create the conditions for more of these inspiring outcomes.

Looking back on Dick's tenure thus far, it's clear that his impact extends far beyond just attending meetings and casting votes. His hands-on approach, willingness to dig into complex issues, and genuine passion for expanding educational access have elevated HCDE's work in numerous ways.

From supporting major facilities upgrades to championing innovative programs like Fortis Academy, Dick has consistently pushed for initiatives that open new doors for Harris County students. His fiscal prudence combined with a vision for growth has allowed HCDE to expand its reach while maintaining stable tax rates.

Perhaps most importantly, Dick has been a voice for ensuring HCDE's services reach those who need them most. Whether advocating for early childhood education in underserved areas or backing adult learning programs to create second chances, he has kept equity and opportunity at the forefront.

Of course, the work of expanding educational access is never finished. As HCDE looks to the future, Dick remains committed to finding new ways to support students, families, and educators across Harris County. His collaborative leadership style and ability to build consensus will be valuable assets as the board navigates new challenges and opportunities.

Ultimately, Eric Dick's tenure on the HCDE Board of Trustees stands as an inspiring example of the positive change that engaged citizens can create through public service. While he would be the first to say the real credit goes to HCDE's hardworking staff and the students themselves, there is no doubt that his contributions have helped expand horizons for countless Harris County residents.

As HCDE continues its vital work of providing educational opportunities and resources, having dedicated leaders like Eric Dick helping chart the course will be crucial. His blend of fiscal responsibility, innovative thinking, and genuine compassion provides a model for impactful board leadership.

The full scope of Dick's positive influence may not be fully apparent for years to come, as today's investments in education yield dividends long into the future. But there is no question that his service has already touched many lives and helped create brighter futures across Harris County.

While there is still much work to be done, HCDE is well-positioned to continue expanding its impact thanks in part to the guidance of trustees like Eric Dick. His unwavering commitment to the transformative power of education will undoubtedly continue to benefit Harris County students and families for years to come.
