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What Types of Vandalism Are Typically Covered By Insurance?


Insurance policies typically provide coverage for damages caused by various types of vandalism. Vandalism refers to intentional damage caused to someone else's property, and it is considered a criminal act. Therefore, it is covered under the "malicious mischief" or "vandalism" section of most insurance policies. Here are some types of vandalism that are typically covered by insurance:

  • Graffiti: Graffiti is a common form of vandalism that can cause damage to buildings, fences, and other structures. Most insurance policies cover the cost of cleaning or repainting surfaces that have been vandalized with graffiti.
  • Broken windows: Broken windows are a common form of vandalism that can occur due to various reasons, such as burglary, riots, or random acts of vandalism. Most insurance policies cover the cost of repairing or replacing broken windows.
  • Damage to doors: Doors can be damaged due to vandalism, such as being kicked or hit with a blunt object. Most insurance policies cover the cost of repairing or replacing damaged doors.
  • Arson: Arson is a serious form of vandalism that involves intentionally setting fire to someone else's property. Most insurance policies provide coverage for damages caused by arson, including damage to the building and personal property.
  • Theft: Theft is a type of vandalism that involves stealing someone else's property. Most insurance policies provide coverage for theft of personal property, including items stolen during a break-in or other acts of vandalism.
  • Damage to personal property: Vandalism can also involve damage to personal property, such as appliances, furniture, and electronics. Most insurance policies cover the cost of repairing or replacing damaged personal property.

It is important to note that not all types of vandalism may be covered under your policy. For example, if the vandalism was committed by a family member or someone who was invited to your property, the damages may not be covered. Additionally, if the damage was caused intentionally by the homeowner, it will not be covered under the policy.

When filing a claim for vandalism, the homeowner should provide evidence of the damage, such as photographs or videos, and contact the police to report the incident. The insurance company may require a police report to process the claim.

In summary, most insurance policies cover damages caused by various types of vandalism, including graffiti, broken windows, damage to doors, arson, theft, and damage to personal property. Homeowners should review their policy carefully and report the incident to the police and insurance company as soon as possible to make room for a smooth claims process.

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