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How Does My Insurance Change In A Separation?


It is helpful to have a checklist that directs you through the maze of settlements and paperwork, regardless of whether or not you and your soon-to-be-former spouse are able to communicate with one another.

Take everything in baby steps, and be patient and kind to yourself as you go. However, make sure that your insurance policy is updated to reflect the shifting requirements of your business and to guarantee that you have the appropriate coverage when you require it.

Unhappily, being separated makes things more difficult to navigate regarding insurance. Your insurer is unable to remove either of you from the insurance plan because both of your names are listed as "named insureds" on the policy. They are also unable to make any changes to your coverage without first receiving permission from your previous partner.

To put it another way, your insurer is unable to make modifications to your joint insurance plan if only one of you submits a request for the modification.

Having said that, there are specific actions that you can and should do in relation to your insurance plan, including the following:

1. As soon as either you or your spouse moves out of the house, you should make sure that your existing auto insurance policy is updated to reflect the new garage address of each vehicle and the distance that is driven by each vehicle to get to work. In most cases, this is the first action that must be taken before separating the coverage on the joint auto policy.

2. Everyone who moves into a new residence should immediately obtain either renter's or homeowner's insurance for the property. The coverage that is provided by an existing homeowner's insurance policy will only be partially applicable to a new residence.

Contact your insurance company for more details and assistance when making these transitions.

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