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What Updates Do I Need To Make To My Commercial Insurance For Hurricane Season?


As hurricane season approaches, it's essential for businesses in hurricane-prone regions to review and update their commercial insurance policies to ensure adequate coverage and protection. Here are some key updates to consider for your commercial insurance during hurricane season:

  • Review Policy Coverage: First and foremost, review your existing commercial insurance policy to understand the scope of coverage it provides during hurricane season. Make sure that your policy includes coverage for property damage, business interruption, contents, and any other specific risks relevant to your business.
  • Windstorm and Flood Coverage: Hurricane-related damage often includes windstorm and flood damage. Standard commercial property insurance policies may not automatically cover flood damage, so consider adding a separate commercial flood insurance policy to provide comprehensive protection against flood-related losses.
  • Increased Property Value: If your business has made improvements or renovations to the property since the last policy review, update your commercial property insurance to reflect the current value of your property. This ensures that your coverage adequately reflects the replacement cost in case of damage or destruction.
  • Business Interruption Coverage: Hurricanes can cause prolonged business disruptions. Review your business interruption coverage to ensure it provides sufficient protection for lost income, ongoing expenses, and extra expenses needed to resume operations after a hurricane.
  • Contingent Business Interruption: If your business relies heavily on suppliers, vendors, or key customers who may be impacted by hurricanes, consider adding contingent business interruption coverage. This coverage can protect your business if the operations of these key partners are disrupted due to a hurricane, causing a ripple effect on your own business.
  • Updated Inventory and Contents: Review and update your business's inventory and content coverage. Ensure that it accounts for any new equipment, machinery, or inventory added to your business since the last policy review.
  • Off-Premises Coverage: If your business operates off-site locations, such as satellite offices or warehouses, ensure that these locations are covered under your commercial insurance policy, especially if they are in hurricane-prone areas.
  • Roof Coverage: Roofs are vulnerable during hurricanes. Confirm that your policy includes adequate coverage for roof repairs or replacement in the event of hurricane damage.
  • Business Continuity Plan: Develop or review your business continuity plan to ensure it aligns with your insurance coverage. Having a well-thought-out plan can help minimize losses and expedite the claims process if a hurricane strikes.
  • Deductible Considerations: Review your policy's hurricane deductible, which is often separate from the standard deductible. Understand the amount you'll be responsible for paying out-of-pocket in case of hurricane-related damage.
  • Document and Secure: Take pictures or videos of your business premises, equipment, and inventory before the hurricane season begins. Store these records securely, as they can be invaluable when filing insurance claims after a hurricane.
  • Review Policy Limits: Ensure that the policy limits for various coverages are sufficient to meet your business's needs in case of significant hurricane damage.

Consult with your insurance agent or broker to discuss these updates and ensure that your commercial insurance policy provides comprehensive coverage during hurricane season. Early preparation and proactive measures can help protect your business from potential financial losses and expedite the recovery process in the aftermath of a hurricane.

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