Applicability of the Hurricane Deductible
Only the storms classified as hurricanes by the National Weather Service or U.S. National Hurricane Center are subject to a hurricane deductible. A windstorm deductible applies to all other types of wind damage. Each insurance provider selects its own "trigger," or the event that activates the hurricane or windstorm deductible.
How the Deduction Operates
A conventional homeowner policy protects the home and its contents against financial loss in the event of a disaster. The insurance deductible is the amount you are responsible for paying toward a loss before your insurance company begins to pay in accordance with the policy.
In addition to the standard deductible, hurricane and windstorm insurance deductibles may be included in homeowner policies for properties located in locations most susceptible to hurricanes.
When the Deductible Is In Effect
What your insurance company considers a trigger event determines whether or not you will pay a hurricane or windstorm deductible. The deductible will only apply under the conditions specified in your insurance plan.
The triggers for hurricane insurance differ between states and between insurers. Therefore, evaluating your homeowner's insurance policy's storm coverage terms is essential. Ensure that you have copies of the pertinent paperwork in the emergency bag you maintain if you have to vacate your home in a hurry.
Determine Your Deductible
In lieu of financial payment, the hurricane insurance deductible is computed as a percentage of the home's insured value.
For instance, a conventional homes policy with a $500 deductible requires the policyholder to pay the first $500 of covered damage, regardless of the insured worth of the home. Nevertheless, a 5% hurricane insurance deductible on a $300,000 home requires the homeowner to pay the first $15,000 in insured losses.
The normal hurricane deductible is from 1% to 5% of the home's insured value, while insurance in some sensitive coastal locations may have a larger deductible.
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