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Southern Group Insurance Agency


Southern Group, a family-owned agency, is happy to have been the trusted resource for families since 1979, and your family can rely on them for the right guidance in the present and the future. While it began as a small insurance business in Houston, it now serves clients throughout West Texas, North Texas, and the Gulf Coast. Its clients and partners around the state continue to receive the same level of care as those in its immediate vicinity.

At Southern Group, the devoted staff works with clients to ensure they have the coverage they desire instead of a generic package that fails to meet their actual requirements. Beyond its competitiveness in the general insurance market, we have developed specialty areas where our knowledge and experience can truly shine.

Coastal Insurance

It has created a variety of carrier connections to offer Homeowner Insurance with Windstorm coverage to the majority of Tier 1(14-Coastal Counties) residents. This results in often considerably lower premiums than what most residents currently have, which is a policy split between their Homeowner Insurance Carrier and their Windstorm Association. TWIA is the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association.

Senior Care/ Medicare

Obtaining the proper coverage at age 65 is one of the most crucial choices. Getting it wrong might cost you your entire life. They advise seniors through the Medicare enrollment process and assist them with any necessary revisions. The company educated them on their options and provided them with a step-by-step decision-making guide.

Private Client Insurance

Conventional insurance firms frequently cannot effectively cover all risks for persons with a net worth over $5,000,000. Most standard insurers cap their umbrella (extra) coverage limits at $5 million. We identify the plethora of common carrier and agent errors that leave you vulnerable to paying for an uninsured loss.

Southern Group Insurance offers flood insurance in addition to a variety of other policies. Contact their office for additional information and estimates.

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