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Should I Show My Roofing Contractor The Insurance Estimate?


Consider speaking with an experienced insurance attorney before showing any estimates. They may limit your damages.

Otherwise, you can consider giving the roofing contractors the estimate provided by your insurance company. This will assist your contractor is billing the correct amount to the insurance and in establishing a line of contact with the insurer.

The majority of people view homeowner's insurance (or renter's insurance) as a nuisance, but it's not. Even the estimates you receive are intended to assist you in some manner. Here is the pertinent information.

What Does an Insurance Quote Include?

This depends entirely on your insurer; however, typical estimates will include the following information:

  • Detailed Descriptions Of Damages. This is done mostly for the contractor's benefit, but it can also assist you in understanding what's happening and how your insurer classifies it.
  • Details Regarding Your Coverage. Your policy may not cover all of your roof's damages. Some damage may be considered cosmetic and therefore not covered. Other plans will just cover a percentage of the repairs' cash worth, while others will have explicit guidelines.
  • Deductibles. Your insurance company will not pay the deductible. You would be responsible for this.
  • Estimates of Repair Costs. Your insurance company will also provide you with a general estimate of the costs associated with roof repair.

Do All Insurers Issue Out Estimates?

If your roof was damaged by a storm, act of God, or accident, your insurance carrier is required by law to issue you a damage estimate. It's part of insurance protocol and helps individuals gain a better grasp of what their policy covers. Therefore, you should obtain an estimate.

Do You Have To Use Suggested Contractors?

No! Despite the fact that insurance companies frequently recommend specific contractors, you are typically not legally forced to choose them. As long as the insurer does not stipulate that you must work with recognized suppliers, you should be allowed to work with virtually any contractor you select.

Why Do Roofing Contractors Request Your Insurance Quote?

  • There are numerous reasons why roofers may want an insurance quote, but most of them revolve around keeping their's legally protected. Here are the most compelling arguments for showing your roofers your insurance estimate:
  • It ensures that the insurance provider will not overlook any repairs or building codes. If your roofer discovers something that isn't up to code, they can notify the firm so that you receive a more accurate quotation. This can save everyone a lot of money and spare you a lot of trouble.
  • The estimate will also indicate the percentage of the repairs that will be covered. Generally, contractors will not want to engage with those who might have difficulty paying for the repairs. They will make every effort to accommodate your budget.
  • Displaying your estimate prevents them from engaging in insurance fraud. You might be tempted to pay out-of-pocket to avoid your deductible if you have Replacement Cost Value coverage. Providing your roofer with the estimate prevents them from engaging in insurance fraud.
  • Providing a roofer with a claim also allows them to assist you in obtaining the necessary insurance funds. This is a smart strategy for those who may have insurance coverage with sluggish insurers. You and your contractors can both request amendments to the first payment schedule.

Should You Show the Estimate to the Roofers Before They Provide Their Own?

Here is where the major snag occurs. It is possible that showing the quote too early will cause your contractors to be lazy and simply accept it. Some may even attempt to overcharge you based on your insurer's payment. To ensure the most equitable resolution, you must present the estimate after they have evaluated the damage and provided their own estimate.

Additionally, you should only work with licensed, bonded, and insured professionals with a solid reputation. Usually, failure to do so will result in poor job quality and financial outcomes. If the contractor refuses to inspect your home without providing an estimate, you should go elsewhere.

Are You Legally Required To Provide Contractors With Your Insurance Quote?

If this contractor has told you a lie, you should immediately hang up the phone and not call them again. No state in the United States mandates that you provide an insurance estimate to a contractor. If you truly do not wish to disclose them your estimate or payout, you are not required to.

Some unethical contractors will attempt to coerce homeowners into disclosing the estimate in order to maximize earnings or increase prices. Do not be fooled. If you are being coerced, simply request that they not contact you again.

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