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Various Forms of Heat Damage to the Home


The hot heat affects our dwellings, with global summer temperatures reaching the upper 90s and lower 100s. In some instances, this can result in heat-related property damage.

There are numerous ways in which the sun's heat might damage property. As a homeowner, it is advantageous to understand how your insurance can assist you in the event of summer heat damage and how to prevent or limit damages.

Forms Of Heat Harm

Sun-caused heat damage can occur nearly anywhere on Earth. Similarly, it can impact both the interior and exterior of a residence. Excessive heat and prolonged sun exposure can induce a variety of detrimental effects, which are described here.


When exterior materials, such as paint and wooden buildings, are exposed to the sun, peeling and cracking are among the most prevalent outcomes. This occurs because the heat pulls materials apart and creates openings, necessitating repairs and possible replacements.


Similar to the damage produced by the sun's ultraviolet rays, heat expansion can cause bubbles to appear on the surface of home components. On the other side, if the heat is severe enough, the siding and paint on a house may melt off.

Mold Spread

Heat and mold damage occur hand in hand, much to the surprise of many homeowners. This is because, depending on the composition of the material, severe quantities of direct sunlight can also bring high humidity levels. For instance, if your roof is composed of metal shingles, the steam produced may cause condensation that becomes damp over time. When given sufficient time, mold and mildew can grow undetected behind the tiles if allowed to accumulate.


Another of the most prevalent results of solar damage to a home is color fading. This applies to a home's exterior paint, roofing tiles, timber, and even lawn furniture. The sun can degrade the look of anything that remains in its path for an extended period without protection.

How To Detect Heat Damage

When searching your property for signs of sun-caused heat damage, there are a few locations to keep in mind that are typically affected. While it is a fact that the sun can cause damage to practically any part of your property, there are a few key areas to examine first to address the problem.

Here are the most frequent locations where heat damage occurs:

Outside Walls

The external walls of your home should be one of the first and most obvious spots to inspect for solar damage. More precisely, the sun's heat affects the paint on your home's outside walls. The paint may develop cracks and chips due to expansion caused by direct sunshine.

Roofing Shakes

Second, you should routinely inspect your roofing materials. As asphalt shingles are susceptible to cracks and heat bubbles over time, the sun impacts roof shingles most. However, the sun can still cause damage regardless of the roofing material. This may manifest as anything from cracks to the presence of moisture after prolonged exposure to sunshine.

Wooden Buildings

Any wood building on the property, including decks, porches, and sheds, can be severely damaged by prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. The heat will degrade the timber materials, resulting in peeling, cracking, fading, and discoloration, among other aesthetic problems.

House Fascia

As a result of solar damage, a home's siding may experience color loss. Extreme heat increases the likelihood of mold and mildew growth on the siding. Therefore special attention must be paid to this region in particular.

Outdoor Furniture

When colored fabrics are exposed to direct sunlight where upholstered furniture is present, particularly on the home's exterior, they might begin to fade substantially.

What Occurs After the Discovery of Heat Damage?

Several costs may be incurred if any portion of your home suffers sun damage. The extent of the damage would determine the total cost of any necessary repairs or replacements. However, the following are some repairs you might anticipate due to continuous sun exposure.

Potential Costs Following Heat Damage:

  • Painting the inside and exterior walls.
  • Substitution of roof shingles and interior flooring
  • Replacement of furnishings and décor
  • Mildew and mold remediation
  • Reconstructing or repairing structures

Depending on whatever portion of your home has been damaged by the sun, you may need to perform anything from a fresh coat of paint to substantial repairs, replacements, and renovations. Early detection of heat damage makes it easier and less expensive to repair, whereas protracted, progressive deterioration can be financially ruinous.

In addition to the possible costs that can accumulate as a result of heat damage, the value of a home can fall dramatically. When it comes time to sell, the value of a house may decrease if it has not been maintained aesthetically or if a repair job does not match the home's original design. This includes exterior flaking or fading and mismatched siding or paints colors.

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