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occidental fire and casualty insurance underpaid claim by 11k


Occidental Fire and Casualty Insurance Underpays Claim

Occidental Fire and Casualty Insurance pays an additional $11,842.96 in new money. This money is despite any deductible and depreciation retained. This consumer used the services of Dick Law Firm to get the money deserved.

The client can recover additional cash for the recoverable depreciation. Famers Insurance Company substantially underpaid this legitimate claim. Unfortunately, this is a common practice. The consumer still has the right to file a lawsuit to get reimbursed for its attorney fees and receive statutory interest.

PRO TIP: Our experience is that 85% of home insurance cases are grossly underpaid. You are well-served to hire an advocate on a contingency fee basis.

Occidental Fire & Casualty is a wholly-owned subsidiary of IAT Insurance Group, which is a holding firm. Occidental has provided valuable and necessary insurance coverage to clients for the past several decades. Occidental serves hundreds of thousands of American consumers with over fifty years of experience and multimillion-dollar financial resources.

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SageSure's partnership

SageSure Insurance Managers proudly serves as the program manager and servicing agent for Occidental Fire & Casualty Company of New York in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut for homeowners insurance. SageSure takes over most customer service, claims processing and other administrative duties.

Occidental's financial stability.

Occidental has been rated A- by A.M. Best, rated the highest by the industry's most well-known financial rating firm.

What is Occidental Fire & Accident?

Occidental Fire & Casualty began in 1961 and now covers states and its home base of Ohio. They are a member of IAT Insurance Company and make their money working with Insurance Manager SageSure in some states.

Occidental looks like offering car insurance, but it is unclear if that is the case. Our quest for information from Occidental came up with several prompts for a company relevant to insurance.

We found no proof of Occidental's website, but we did notice several other companies with Occidental as part of their name. None are reliable sources.

The homeowners' insurance web page provides minimal information about the product. In the auto industry, we were able to find a web page that is used by current customers; however, the web address uses the IAT company name, but only the Occidental name appears on the page itself.

The IAT website has more detail but also informs us that the insurance company writes both commercial and individual coverage. No indication is provided that Occidental does indeed write auto insurance; the only auto insurance listed on the website is Non-Resident Private Auto.

Western products tend to be distributed by independent distributors.