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Do Not Fall Victim to Three Worst Insurance Companies



Eric Dick has Texas roots second to none. Being a direct descendant of the Tumlinson family, the “Come and Take It” cannon basically is his family crest. In 2016, he was overwhelmingly elected to Harris County Department of Education. He follows his family tradition in seeking justice by being a home insurance lawyer that represents policyholders with his or her denied or underpaid claims.

This rapidly-evolving COVID-19 situation continues to impact the well-being of our lives and loved ones. Awareness and education during this struggle is of the utmost importance. My thoughts and prayers remain with you and your families during this challenging time.

-Eric Dick

  1. State Farm
  2. Allstate
  3. Farmers Insurance


Businesses battle insurers over COVID-19, sparking a new Washington lobbying war
A multibillion-dollar standoff between the nation’s leading insurers and the restaurants, hotels, gyms and theaters that purchase their policies has spilled into some of the most powerful corridors of Washington, as both sides clash over who should foot the sky-high costs of the coronavirus outbreak.

The battle hinges on whether insurance providers should have to pay claims to companies that have shuttered unexpectedly as a result of the deadly pandemic. The dispute has attracted the attention of President Trump, triggered lawsuits in courtrooms nationwide and touched off a massive lobbying blitz on Capitol Hill, where some insurers say the federal government instead should be the one providing financial help to those that need it most.

The industry’s powerful lobbyists, led by the American Property Casualty Insurance Association (APCIA), say “business interruption” policies never were intended to cover contagions. Even if they had been, the estimated claims just from small businesses during the coronavirus pandemic could total more than $430 billion a month, threatening to create a “solvency event” for the industry, said David A. Sampson, the group’s chief executive.

But business executives who have paid their premiums for years say they have been misled — and now face dire financial straits without the aid they believe they were promised. Some have sought federal aid in response: Prominent restaurateurs including Wolfgang Puck, for example, have raised the issue directly with Trump in recent days. The problem has taken on even greater urgency because of growing confusion about who qualifies for federal coronavirus aid, given changing government guidelines — and fast-dwindling funds.

“They’re setting themselves up to not pay it,” said Greg Wells, the chief executive of Atlantic Coast Athletic Clubs and one of the group’s members. The fitness chain closed its facilities to about 70,000 gym-goers in early March. Wells soon after filed a claim with his insurer, only to receive a notice that pandemic-related interruptions won’t be covered.

In Texas, for example, a chain of local theaters including Star Cinema Grill has filed suit against their insurer, Lloyd’s of London. The chain purchased “pandemic event” insurance, but Lloyd’s has refused to pay, saying that it is not obligated to cover losses connected specifically to the covid-19 crisis. A Lloyd’s spokesman declined to comment because of the ongoing litigation.

Lawsuits regarding "Business Interruptions" due to COVID-19 continue to spread

A Chicago tavern that was closed since March 16 due to the COVID-19 outbreak in Illinois filed a lawsuit this week against an insurance company for refusing to pay out a claim under the tavern’s “business interruption” policy.

Attorneys for Maillard Tavern said during a video news conference Wednesday that the actions by Wisconsin-based Society Insurance are part of a pattern by insurance companies nationwide of denying any and all such claims and arguing the policies do not cover business losses caused by a pandemic.

“Maillard Tavern made a claim. Society Insurance Co. denied it, although they accepted the premium payment for it,” Antonio Romanucci, one of the attorneys handling the case, said. “Instead, the insurance industry as a whole is blanketly refusing to honor business interruption claims.”

The suit, filed in Cook County Circuit Court, seeks an unspecified amount of damages to be determined by an appraisal, and it asks the court to appoint an independent “umpire” if appraisers from the two sides cannot agree on an amount.

Insurance companies are denying any and all such claims and arguing the policies do not cover business losses caused by a pandemic. These insurers intend to mislead you, this is wrong!

Business interruption policies are a standard type of business insurance that provide coverage when a business is forced to close, or its operations are severely limited, through no fault of the business. Many policies exclude certain types of events, including pandemics, but attorneys for Maillard Tavern say the company’s policy was an “all-risk” policy with no exclusions.

The lawsuit is just one illustration of the staggering economic losses being felt throughout the country as a result of the pandemic, and the issue of insurance company liability already reached the highest levels of the federal government.

Eric Dick, Chris Carmona & Philip Bryant Latest Video Discussion Q&A
Chris Carmona, Eric Dick & Phillip Bryant are back discussing Houston, COVID-19 and Watson Explosion updates.